Louise's powerful affirmation:
All is well,
Everything is working out for my highest good
And out of this situation only good will come
And I am safe.
Don’t talk about "my headach" and "my arthritis" – you don’t want to be a permanent part of you - your body is perfect and this is just passing through your body. And my body is returning to perfect health
Love your body. Give it good food, good exercise and think happy thoughts.
If you’re sick – your body is telling you that something you were doing was not good for your body.
In hospital: Every hand that’s touching my body is a healing hand.
Do not choose to be a victim, that only gives your power away. You’re a willing participant in your health care.
The body, like everything else in our lives, is a mirror of the thought we think and the beliefs we hold, the body is always talking to us if we just take the time to listen.
If there is a part of your body that is aching or hurting or in pain - just put your hand on it and think of, picture love coming though your heart through your arm into your hand onto the part of your body that you’re holding . And send love into it. Sending love even into a toothache will help enormously.
Affirmations about our body:
I love my body, I listen to my body, I appreciate my body, I take a good care of my body.
I enjoy the foods that are best for my body; I love every cell of my body.
I make healthy choices and my body responds with joy.
Life shows me new ways to improve my health.
I give my body everything I need to be vibrant and filled with energy.
My body knows how to heal itself and I support my body in every way.
Perfect health is my divine right and I claim it now.
I love my life and life loves me.