Photo Credit: Shutterstock
I am destined for success.
I am born a winner.
I wake up every day stronger and better,
ready to pursue my goals, follow my desires and
make my dreams come true.
I am a Student. Every hour of my day I learn
something new and teach it to my fellow men.
Cause I am a Teacher too…
I am a Warrior. I fight every fight as it is my
last. And I never get defeated but losses are
better teachers than victories…
I am a Leader. People follow me on the path
to Success and Prosperity. We change our lives for good and better. And we experience
everyday miracles.
I am a Believer. The Faith is strong with me
as I am convinced that people are responsible
for their lives and destinies. And anyone can
change…I am the Change.
I am grateful. I thank and respect every
person that came into my life with the one and
only purpose: to teach me a lesson.
I am a Miracle. My life is a miracle. The
Magic of Life runs through my veins and the
Power of the Universe manifests its’ Glory
through me.
I am happy. I praise every moment of my life
and cherish any chance of laughter and
I am the result of my actions that are the
result of my habits that are the result of my
I am successful. For success is nothing more
than a journey on a path that never ends.
My path is joyful and with a Heart.
I will go an extra mile today…
Sofia, Sep 24 th, 2009
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