The website is called REAL WISHES GRANTED. You can type your wish in a little box and then you have to return back to the page 8 times on 8 consecutive days. Which is, actually a good idea - you won't forget about it and will focus your attention on it.
Apart from that, the website asks you to repeat your wish every day for 8 times in front of a mirror, with a sheet of paper on which you have written the figure 8. Doing this, I found it to be a very interesting experience - at first i was a bit shy telling the mirror (or My Higher Self, the Universe, God?) - "I want....." but with each repetition, my voice was firmer and I sounded more convincing. There was definitely an energy change there! I haven't done it each and every day because I was not able to do it at exactly 11:11, as per the requirements.
Next, each night you've got to leave your sheet of paper under the direct moonlight. I must admit, i haven't been doing it - because I could hardly see the moon and I was not sure if I should do it anyway,
When you visit the page each day, on some days it offers you a different thought or asks you to do different things.
I found the experience very interesting and I am going to make another wish now. this time I will try to formulate it a little better (the first one was a bit too long and too detailed to remember and repeat comfortably) and follow all the instructions this time.
Good luck!
Align the Power of 8 to your wish in the following 8 ways:
( required )
1. The Power of 8 Days
Visit your Wish Page at least once a day for 8 days in a row.
2. Moonlight
Write or print out the Number 8 on a piece of paper and carry it on or near you at all times.
Allow direct Moonlight to shine upon it every night for 30 seconds.
Indirect Moonlight will penetrate clouds - if it's cloudy, expose it every night for a full minute.
If there is little or no Moonlight where you live, hold the paper to the sky for 2 minutes.
3. 11:11 and the Mirror
At the time 11:11, hold your 8 paper up to a mirror and look into the mirror at the reflected 8 as you
say your wish 8 times. Do this for 8 days in a row. If you skip a day, begin again.
4. Believe

This is the most difficult step.
This step requires a willingness to try something new;
a willingness to think in a new way.
If you're doing this step correctly, you will notice an immediate difference.
It's never too late to complete this step.
5. The Power of Mass Consciousness
The more awareness you bring to this website, the more energy you bring into your wish.
6. The Living Power of Images
Paste the code below into blogs, forums and comments of online community websites.
The more people who see this image, the more energy you will bring into your wish.
Doing so will make this image appear.
This step does not work on Facebook or Twitter
because they render the code as text (not as an image).
7. The Power Within
While visiting your wish page, visualize yourself taking action to achieve your wish.
You will need to open your mind and be willing to learn and do something new.
8. The Power of Letting Go
~ Complete this task even if your wish has already come true ~
The Universe is a paradox.
Contradictory and opposite forces make up the whole.
After you have successfully visited your Wish Page for 8 days in a row,
you must give life to your wish by creating a paradox.
Here's how:
You must think no more about your wish.
~ Let It Go ~
Letting go of your wish creates the paradox with a contradictory act.
This is the same act that gave birth to the Universe.
The very moment you truly let go and forget,
your wish will be born and it will come to you.
This final task uses the paper with the 8 written on it:
Find a recycling bin and hold the paper over it.
As you do this,
feel yourself let go of your wish
as you let go of the paper.