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Учител по щастие (Happiness coach) чрез Закона за привличането. За лични консултации, моля, пишете на имейл За безплатни консултации, моля, опишете проблема анонимно във форума

Friday, 9 September 2011

An Angel On Earth - INELIA BENZ : the full interview - with Bill Ryan from Project Avalon

This is fascinating....

I have just discovered it and I am still so thrilled - because what I see here in Inelia is like when you see your dream come true. Not that I had dreamt of this particular thing to happen - everything I have read about in book and have chosen to believe in - I can now hear from her - and it sounds soooo true!

I was about to write "unbelievable!" but it is so believable!

Spread the word and this video, I think it really shifts your vibrations.

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