A program to create abundance in your life. Every day you receive a link to a meditation and a thought for the day. Practice the meditation and ponder upon the thought for the day to be able to manifest abundance inn your day.
Day 1
Day 2
The Source of All Abundance
Today's Centering Thought:
“I create my personal abundance from an infinite source.”
Day 3
Day 3
Welcome to Day 3 - Mind, Matter, and Spirit
Today, we will consider the three levels of existence—mind,
matter, and spirit. Mind is the reasoning level that tells us that we can or
cannot be, do, or have something. Matter is the physical world around us that
shows us the results of what we hold in our minds. Spirit is the deepest
domain, the place of our interconnectedness with the infinite mind of the
universe. It is the field of pure potentiality.
Accessing the spiritual realm through the daily practice of
meditation opens the way to manifesting your deepest desires. By changing your
thoughts, beliefs, expectations, and intentions and connecting with stillness,
you will allow the unbounded, unlimited abundance of the universe to flow
easily and effortlessly into your life.
Our centering thought for today is:
"Today, I focus on what I want to attract into my
Today's Sanskrit mantra and its English essence are:
Sat, Chit, Ananda
Existence, Consciousness, Bliss
Until we meet again in the spiritual realm,
Mindful Moment
Commit to the vision.
Take a moment to reflect on one situation in your life that
you'd like to change, and write down the specific things about it that you wish
were different. Then, write down how you would like that situation to be.
Throughout your day, whenever you find yourself thinking of the circumstances
as they are now, remind yourself of the new way you envision them. As you
change your thoughts, you are harnessing nature's flow of energy, information,
and intelligence to change your life.
Day 4
Today's Centering Thought:
“From this moment forward, I invite unlimited abundance into
my life.”
Day 5
Pure Consciousness
Today’s Sanskrit mantra and its English essence are:
Aham Brahmasmi—The core of my being is the ultimate reality,
the root and ground of the universe, the source of all that exists.
In our time together today, we will explore the concept of
pure consciousness, that which reappears as we release the world of the physical, the world of thoughts, perceptions,
beliefs, and feelings. We reach pure consciousness through the
practice of meditation.
Once in a while, out of the fog of thoughts, a clear patch
will emerge. If we are quiet, we encounter moments of pure
silence. I call these thought “gaps” and, through these
we can glimpse the deepest level of the soul. Each
glimpse increases our understanding, and eventually our
consciousness becomes expanded. In this way, we transcend
the three-dimensional
world and slip into pure consciousness.
Mindful Moment
Invite new choices.
Take a moment today to consider a
Take a moment today to consider a
situation in which the thoughts and beliefs of others have
shaped your perception. Then, contemplate a new scenario
that reflects your highest vision of these circumstances.
yourself: What have I been choosing in this situation?
What new choices can I make from this moment on that
will help me realize my new goals?
Day 5
The Field of All Possibilities
Today’s Sanskrit mantra and its English essence are:
Sat, Chit, Ananda—Existence, Consciousness, Bliss
“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but
by the moments that take
our breath away.”
~ Maya Angelou
Today, we will delve into the field of all possibilities
that reveals itself in the silence of meditation. The unlimited power of the
universe is always available to you. Making intuitive choices, grounded in this
unified field, will help you manifest your deepest desires.
When going about your daily life, continue to cultivate
stillness whenever possible. Spend time in nature, absorb its beauty, and
notice how its abundance is spread before you. Bask in the energy of beautiful
music; uplifting and inspirational stories; and optimistic, like-minded people.
As you do this, you’ll find the field of all possibilities will open wide to
help your dreams, hopes, and desires come to fruition.
Mindful Moment
Awaken to unlimited possibilities.
Look at one situation you’d like to change. Allow yourself
to focus your thoughts on that one wish. Then, write down one intention. Be as
specific as you can. When you go into meditation, look at this intention and
let it go. Surrender it to the field of all possibilities and allow the
universe to correlate the details.
Day 6
Day 6
The Seeds of Success
Today’s Sanskrit mantra and its English essence are:
Ram . . . Ram . . . Ram—Everything I desire is within me
“As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being
able to remake the world . . . as in being able to remake ourselves.”
~Mahatma Gandhi
Today, we will consider what success is and where it is
found. It’s common to sometimes measure our success or fulfillment by comparing
ourselves to others. This is called object-referral, looking outside for
validation. It’s also common to overlook the opportunities for success that
exist in our setbacks or failures. Through meditation, we learn that everything
we want, need, and desire is already within us and that the seeds of success
are within every perceived setback. Self-referral, looking within, is where
true fulfillment resides.
In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Success: To laugh
often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of
children, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world
a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social
condition, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.”
Mindful Moment
Discover the seeds.
Take a moment today to consider a situation that feels like
a failure or a setback. From that perspective, try to identify opportunities
that could put you on the path to success. Write down the steps you can take to
make your vision a reality. You can apply this exercise to all areas of your
life. Take the time to look at each situation that challenges you and find
those seeds of success that will attract greater abundance into your life.
Day 7
Our centering thought for today is:
"I use my conscious intention to manifest my dreams."
Today's Sanskrit mantra and its English essence are:
Sat, Chit, Ananda
Existence, Consciousness, Bliss
I eagerly await all that you will manifest in your life.
Day 7
Welcome to Day 7 - Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire

Today's Sanskrit mantra and its English essence are:
I eagerly await all that you will manifest in your life.
Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire
Today’s Sanskrit mantra and its English essence are:
Sat, Chit, Ananda—Existence, Consciousness, Bliss
“You can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one.
Each day is a different one; each day brings a miracle of its own. It's just a
matter of paying attention to this miracle.”
~ Paulo Coehlo
Congratulations on completing the first week of the Chopra
Center 21-Day Meditation Challenge™, Creating Abundance! During our time
together, we defined abundance as having all your needs, wants, and desires
met; we also discovered that the source of all abundance is the unlimited
divine source, underlying all creation. We discussed the three levels of
consciousness—mind, matter, and spirit—and how spirit is the source of
everything that is and where anything is possible. Just yesterday, we
acknowledged that the seeds of success are within and always available to you.
Today, you will learn that when you align your thoughts,
deeds, beliefs, and expectations with spirit, everything you have always
wanted, needed, or desired flows freely to you.
Mindful Moment
Be led by your mind-body-spirit.
Take a moment to envision an everyday miracle you’d like to
have happen in your life. Consider your circumstances as they are now and how
you’d like them to be. Paying attention to your body, notice how you feel when
you think about your current circumstances and when you focus on your dreams.
Write down these feelings of comfort or discomfort, sadness, or joy. Your body
is a wonderful tool to help align you with spirit. Noting how it feels helps
you make creative choices that will bring you closer to what you desire.
Day 8
Abundance and the Law of Pure Potentiality
Today's Centering Thought:
“Through the Law of Pure Potentiality, I can create
anything, anytime, anywhere.”

Abundance and the Law of Pure Potentiality
Today’s Sanskrit mantra and its English essence are:
Om Bhavam Namah—I am absolute existence. I am a field of all
“We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? . . .
Your playing small does not serve the world.”
~ Marianne Williamson
With today’s meditation, we begin the second week of the
Chopra Center 21-Day Meditation ChallengeTM, Creating Abundance. Throughout
this week, we’ll explore abundance as it relates to the laws contained in my
book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.
The power to create anything flows through us when we are
connected to the moment, plugged into the deeper source from which all
experience, knowledge, and existence emerge and to which they return. And, so,
we’ll begin this week by discovering how we can put the first law, the Law of
Pure Potentiality, into practice and create abundance by accessing this source,
the field of all possibilities.
"It is not how much we do, but how much love
we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love is put in
the giving."
—Mother Teresa
Welcome to Day 9 - Abundance and the Law of Giving

In today's meditation, we will explore the Law of
The universe always works in dynamic exchange with
your body, mind, and environment. In nature, giving and receiving, different
aspects of the flow of energy in the universe, are what permit the continual
bounty we enjoy. It is through this vital flow that everything you want and
need can be yours.
As Buddha shared, "Thousands of candles can be
lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared."
Our centering thought for today is:
"Today, and everyday, I give that which I want
to receive."
Today's Sanskrit mantra and its English essence
Om Vardhanam Namah - I nourish the universe, and
the universe nourishes me. I await our opportunity to share the gift of silence
Mindful Moment
Give graciously today.
Offer a small gift to everyone you encounter today.
The gift needn't be expensive—a flower, a smile, a helping hand, or a silent
blessing—and remain open to gratefully receiving all gifts that are offered to
Day 10

Abundance and the Law of Karma
Today’s Sanskrit mantra and its English essence are:
Om Kriyam Namah—My actions are aligned with cosmic law.
“Every thought you produce, anything you say, any action you
do, it bears your signature.”
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
In today’s meditation, we will discuss the Law of Karma, or
conscious choice-making, and consider how, through the choices we make, more of
every good thing can flow into our lives.
When you make any choice—any choice at all—you can ask
yourself what the consequences of the choice you’re making are and if it will
bring happiness, or more abundance, to you and everyone around you. After
posing those questions, place your attention in your heart, and the answers
will become clear to you.
By practicing conscious choice-making in this way, you will
learn to witness your thoughts and make the most nourishing decisions for your
Mindful Moment
Allow your heart to guide you.
Practice connecting with the heart for guidance in conscious
choice-making. Each time you’re faced with a choice, place your attention in
your heart and ask yourself: Will this choice bring fulfillment and happiness
to me and to those who are affected by this choice? Then, make your decision
based on the answer you receive.
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